
While creating custom post type detail template, there may be need to display list of categories or taxonomies related to it.

For example


To display list of all the terms use wp_get_object_terms

$tax_lists = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, 'articles_cat'); 
// here articles_cat is taxonomy slug

To display list of all the terms on post detail page by name

 $tax_lists = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, 'articles_cat',array("fields" => "name")); 
// here articles_cat is taxonomy slug 

To display category on post detail page

using wp_get_object_terms() categories of a post can be displayed on post detail page i.e. single.php

$cat_lists = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, 'category'); 
// here articles_cat is taxonomy slug 

What is alternative of get_the_category() on post detail page

use wp_get_object_terms() instead of get_the_category() to get list of terms related to a post

Get values of all terms of a custom taxonomy

 $terms = get_terms([     'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,     'hide_empty' => false, ]); 

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