PHP WordPress

5 Essential Plugins for website

In this article I am going to explain few plugins that may help you while creating a wordpress website.

Yoast SEO

For WordPress SEO this plugin is extremely useful. It take care all seo of your website, from Sitemap,robots file to site meta title description etc.
Downloads : 5 Million + Active Installation
Rating : 5/5
Price : Free .
Download Link : Download here.
Further Reading : Check out there official documentation here. Explore more on curiouswebs.

Duplicate Page

This plugin helps you to duplicate any page or post or custom post type. you can also set the status of duplicate post to draft , publish or priavate.
Downloads : 1 Million + Active Installation
Rating : 4+/5
Price : Free .
Download Link : Download here.
Further Reading : Check here.


This plugin is widley used for theme development. This helps to create theme options, fields for post or custom post type or page. Since after the release of WordPress 5, this plugin also updated and you can create blocks easity with the help of ACF.
The basic version of this plugin is absolutely free. But if you want to take benefit of Repeater,Gallery Fields then you must have to upgrade it to pro.
Well talking about the support , it has support forum too where you can discuss issues,enhancements etc.
Downloads : 1 Million + Active Installation
Rating : 5/5
Price : Basic Version Free . For Pro Check Pricing Here.
Download Link : Download here.
Further Reading : How to create blocks or how to work with acf fields you can go to official documents here or explore more on curiouswebs.

Contact Form 7

Whether your site is of one page or list of services and explanation of your work it definitely has a contact form. For Contact Form Contact form 7 can be used. It has all the form fields. You can also customize messages and create HTML template for email.
Support : you can check their support and FAQ here.
Downloads : 5 Million + Active Installation
Rating : 4+/5
Price : Free.
Download Link : Download here.
Further Reading : You can check their website here or explore more on curiouswebs.

Intuitive Custom Post Order

This plugin is very helpful for reordering the posts categories pages or custom post types. It uses javascript and just by drag n drop facility you can reorder posts.
Downloads : 3M +
Rating : 4+/5
Price : Free
Download Link : Download here.
Further Reading : Checkout here.

If this article helps you please do let me know in comments. your feedback will always be appreciated.

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