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Images in React

HTML STATE Functions On Submit

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How to create REST API Documentation using apiDoc?

How to create REST API Documentation using apiDoc?

apiDoc is free and poweful tool to create rest api documentation. Lets implement it in Node.js Lets create node js project. create folder apidocumentation and enter into it. Now follow below steps Installed required packages...

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X-Frame, xss protection in wp-config.php

header('X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN'); @ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', true); @ini_set('session.cookie_secure', true); @ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', true);

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How to work with guzzle http in codeiginter?

guzzle is php http client that is used to send request to web services. Installation : First download guzzle files from here and put those files in application/libraries folder. Now load this library in controller’s...

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Get host name, username details from phpmyadmin

login to phpmyadmin on home page there is a block of server detail

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How to get ACF field value on taxonomy template or category template

$current_term = get_queried_object(); $current_term_id = $current_term->term_id; $taxonomy = 'category'; get_field('custom_category_title', $taxonomy . '_' . $current_term->term_id))

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How to unzip files on filezilla using php script?

FileZilla itself does not provide functionality to unzip files on server. So here comes a handy solution using PHP. Navigate to your directory where the zip folder is Here create a file unzip.php Now edit...

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How to import data into acf link, url, image field for a post or custom post type?

Lets import data from a csv file. Dowload sample csv file here. The fields in csv can be edited according to requirement. Now to read the data from csv $data = csv_to_array(get_template_directory() . "/sample.csv", $delimiter...

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