WordPress Articles

How to change file permission using wp-config.php

How to change file permission using wp-config.php

you can change file permissions using wp-config.php Add this to wp-config-php this will set the 777 permissions on all your files and folders and usually not recommended. Preferable set the permissionas to 0755.

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Remove FTP Permission for  installing plugins

Remove FTP Permission for installing plugins

Sometime while installing a plugin you see a popup that ask for FTP credentials. You can disable this via wp-config.php Add this code in wp-config.php What does ‘FS_METHOD’ do? This bypasses WordPress’s recurring prompts, and...

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How to use ajax in wordpress

How to use ajax in wordpress

Ajax is “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML“. Basically AJAX  helps to update page data without reloading it. So, this article  explain how to use ajax in custom theme with minimal code. How to use AJAX in...

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WordPress interview questions with answers – for beginners

This article will cover all the relevant WordPress questions with answers that are frequently asked in an interview from beginners.

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WordPress dummy theme to get start with theme development

This article explains the basic file structure of WordPress theme . In dummy theme required templates, short codes, custom post type custom taxonomy are included. This theme can be used to create custom theme. It...

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5 Essential Plugins for website

5 Essential Plugins for website

In this article I am going to explain few plugins that may help you while creating a wordpress website. Yoast SEO For WordPress SEO this plugin is extremely useful. It take care all seo of...

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